Disasters much bigger than San Bernardino: What candidates need to Talk about

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Every morning we send our kids off to school and we head to work, or daily errands for stay at home moms.  Americans trust that they will be safe and their kids are well protected in the schools, because our president believes and has reassured us that our enemies are contained.  This all changed on December 2, 2015, when two terrorists, one of whom was born in the United States, killed 14 and injured 21 people in San Bernardino, California at an office Christmas party.

After this attack I worry more about my family’s safety and wonder how or if the government can prevent another one.  We hear on the news that ISIS is planning on infiltrating the Syrian refugees coming to the united states and our president still wants to allow thousands of them to come to our country.  We know that there are loopholes in the Visa system for foreigners entering the U.S – there is no way the government can properly vet people coming over and we know that the terrorist Tashfeen Malik lied on her Visa application. how do we know if people coming to our country want freedom and our way of life or if they want to kill us? There is no way of knowing what is really in their hearts. This terrifies me and that is what those evil jehadies want.  We can not let them win.

Dr. Jane Orient, explains what the presidential candidates should talk about in the wake of San Bernardino in the following guest article. Some candidates including Trump and Cruz support the right of Americans to own effective tools of self-defense. but none are talking about the long-standing official government stance of keeping Americans as vulnerable hostages to nuclear weapons.

Cascia Talbert


Healthy moms Magazine

Disasters much bigger than San Bernardino: What candidates need to Talk about

By: Jane M. Orient, M.D.

After every shooting episode the response is the same formula: constant media coverage, much of it fact-free, and calls for thoughts, prayers—and still more gun control. It’s time to take a broader perspective than a focus on the dozens of individual tragedies.
Today, Americans are targets. Not just individual Americans, but also the united states of America. They are targeted by deranged individuals, by fanatical ideologues, by drug cartels, by terrorist organizations, and by foreign powers, some of whom have intercontinental ballistic missiles with multiple independently targeted nuclear warheads aimed at American cities.
Our thoughts need to turn to what is really going on, and our prayers need to include “God save the united states of America.”
We have pervasive surveillance of our financial transactions, our telephone and electronic communications, our medical records, and our movements. The government has enormous powers of search and seizure, many unthinkable to drafters of our fourth Amendment, and these are used against Americans engaged in normal business that threatens no one. We already have lots of gun control laws.
So how were terrorists in San Bernardino able to accumulate bomb-making material, an arsenal of weapons both legal and illegal, and body armor, without spurring any action by the authorities?
Terrorists have also engaged in operations that don’t yet have any poster children but that are far more dangerous than shooting up a Christmas party, such as disabling a key electrical substation. This shows the capacity for coordinated, sophisticate operations that could cripple the electricity grid for a long time.
Candidates such as Donald Trump and Ted Cruz call for controlling illegal immigration—surely necessary, but insufficient. The San Bernardino terrorists were here legally.
Here are the real issues that we need to discuss:
Americans are mostly helpless victims. The government that is supposed to protect us, though awesomely powerful, appears to be incompetent, corrupt, or—dare we suggest it?—on the other side. Americans are divided by a culture of grievances. America is dangerously weak. foreign policy is recklessly provocative.
Some candidates including Trump and Cruz support the right of Americans to own effective tools of self-defense. but none are talking about the long-standing official government stance of keeping Americans as vulnerable hostages to nuclear weapons. Rudimentary civil defense was dismantled long ago; Americans don’t even know to dRop e cubra se virem um flash brilhante. Terrorismo nuclear-a crença de que a dose insignificante de radiação que alarmiza os monitores das equipes de Haz-Mat soletra destruição. Os instrumentos de defesa civil apropriados para um ambiente de guerra foram descartados e não substituídos.
Demorou muito tempo para que o FBI pudesse usar a palavra “terrorismo”, embora todos soubessem que estava envolvido em San Bernardino. Somos aleijados pelo politicamente correto – obrigado, Sr. Trump, por dizer isso. O presidente nem nomeará o inimigo. Certamente precisamos examinar refugiados – mas ainda mais o Departamento de Estado, o Departamento de Justiça e as agências policiais, para os crentes na jihad; conexões com governos estrangeiros; ou tomadores de suborno do comércio de drogas, crime organizado, capitalistas de amora ou organizações não-governamentais, incluindo ambientalistas radicais.
Os americanos estão sendo doutrinados na escola primária na cultura da culpa coletiva, em vez de responsabilidade individual. Eles deveriam ter direito a vítimas ou “opressores” cheios de culpa. Obrigado, Dr. Carson, por abordar essa divisão racial. Vingança interminável e “reparações” pelos pecados de tataravó-gravadores significa guerra sem fim, tanto aqui quanto no Oriente Médio.
Quando Trump pede “Making America Great Again”, é uma admissão que a América não é mais ótima. Nossas forças armadas, nossa indústria e nossa moeda estão sendo destruídas por tributação, regulamentação, litígio, gastos imprudentes – e abandono das virtudes, moralidade e fé de nossos fundadores.
E qual é a nossa política externa, realmente? Obrigado, Dr. Paul, por fazer perguntas sobre como criar queixas. Quem está apontando que os EUA e a Rússia estão lutando contra uma guerra na Síria, em lados opostos, e que um plano de guerra russo foi derrubado por um membro da OTAN, possivelmente com uma arma fabricada nos EUA? Exatamente por que “Assad tem que ir” e quem devemos decidir? Nosso governo estava dirigindo armas para o ISIS de Benghazi, Sra. Clinton?
É terrível que os americanos possam levar um tiro em uma festa de Natal, mas muito pior acontecerá se não enfrentarmos os problemas que começam no topo.

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Jane M. Orient, M.D. obteve seus diplomas de graduação em química e matemática pela Universidade do Arizona em Tucson, e seu M.D. pela Columbia University College of Physicians and Cirurgeons em 1974. Ela concluiu uma residência de medicina interna no Parkland Memorial Hospital e University of Arizonana Hospitais afiliados e depois se tornou instrutor da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Arizona e médico do Hospital da Administração de Veteranos de Tucson. Ela está em consultório particular solo desde 1981 e atua como diretora executiva da Associação de Médicos e Cirurgiões Americanos (AAPS) desde 1989. Atualmente, é presidente da Doctors para preparação para desastres. Desde 1988, é presidente do Comitê de Saúde Pública da Sociedade Médica do Condado de Pima (Arizona). Ela é a autora do seu médico não está em: ceticismo saudável sobre os cuidados nacionais de saúde e a segunda a quarta edições da arte e ciência do diagnóstico de cabeceira de Sapira, publicada por Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins. She authored books for schoolchildren, and professor Klugimkopf’s Spelling Method, published by Robinson Books, and coauthored two novels published as Kindle professor Klugimkopf’s old-fashioned English Grammar books, Neomorts and Moonshine, more than 100 of her papers have been published in the scientific and Literatura popular sobre uma variedade de assuntos, incluindo avaliação de riscos, riscos naturais e tecnológicos e não -Hazards, e economia médica e ética. Ela é editora da AAPS News, médicos para o boletim de preparação para desastres e perspectivas de defesa civil, e é a editora -gerente do Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons.


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